Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Freedom or safety?

The massacre of the Virginia Tech University was a great tragedy not only to the United States, but to the whole world as well. It brought the attention of the whole world to this particular state of America.

Mass shootings seem to be the common sight of America. It is not the first time that a mass shootings happened in school. In 1999, in Columbine High School, 12 students and a teacher were shot dead. This would have been a warning sign to the country that something must be done it restrictions on guns. However, the gun controls are not any stricter now.

Now, it happened again. The massacre in the university. The killer was slightly autistic and mentally disturbed. YET, he was able to get hold of the guns he used in the massacre. I believe to stop all these massacres and mass shootings in schools and public areas, strict gun controls should be implemented. With guns easily available around, everybody could get a gun by just paying some money, regardless whether they are in a sound state of mind. Some may give the buyers some forms to fill in their particulars and current state of mind for precautions. However who can guarantee that they would be truthful about their current pschological conditions or they may be so mentally confused that they do not even know that they are not in the right state of mind. Then, how can you be sure that the guns will be used appropriately? I do believe, that strict laws over guns should be implemented in America to stop all these tragedies from happening.

Some may say that all the civilians and citizens in America have the rights and freedom to do what they like, however when this freedom is infringed and it endangers the safety of others, restrictions should be placed. Freedom could be given to the people, freedom of speech and so on, however freedom over having guns by your side or sale of guns to civilians should be reconsidered. Think about the people who died in all these tragedies. For the good of everyone in the state, this area of freedom should be sacrificed. The safety of people far outweighs the freedom of having guns. Furthermore, how will the guns help you in daily lives? Promoting violence or what else? To keep you safe? To me, guns have not much use for us in our society and daily lives, neither does it make me feel any safer. It should be controlled strictly from being sold publicly and made easily available to the people.

Some may say, the sale of guns to civilians is to help them to protect themselves from external threat, however, in my opinion, the guns does not give you the sense of security and safety at all. In fact, i believe, it creates more distrust and fear in people. Who knows when will you be shot down one day by a passerby? Are you going to live day by day getting suspicious with the people around you? Hence, in order to build a safer and more trusting society, strict gun controls should be implemented. We should learn to solve prolems not by violence and guns but using persuasion and generation of ideas. Having guns does not mean that problems can be solved. Safety or freedom, this is your choice.

*~VpOtAtocHiP~* spoke on 0 comments


hwee lin


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Freedom or safety?
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